Complaints Policy
AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED is committed to ensuring that those who use its services are readily able to access information about how to make a complaint and that the issues raised are dealt with promptly and fairly.
AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED aims to provide a complaints service that meets the needs and objectives of the complainant, whilst at the same time complying with the requirements set out within this policy.
AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED recognises that the information derived from complaints provides an important source of data to help make improvements in our services. Complaints can act as an early warning of failings in systems and processes which need to be addressed.
AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED makes sure that the care of people who make complaints about its services will not be adversely affected because they have complained. Complaints correspondence is stored and recorded separately from healthcare records.
AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED serves a diverse patient population. We are committed to providing a complaints service to all regardless of their racial or cultural background, gender or sexual orientation, religion or disability.
This policy relates to patient-related complaints only. All formal patient complaints, however received, should be managed as set out in this policy.
Within this policy the term formal complaint refers to any written complaint received from a patient or a representative of the patient. Under the NHS Complaints Regulations on receipt of any written complaint from a patient AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED is required to follow the process set out in this document.
A verbal complaint may be treated as a formal complaint if on discussion with the complainant he/she wishes his/her concerns to be treated formally. In this case a detailed written record must be made by the recipient of the complaint and sent to the complainant with an invitation for it to be signed for accuracy and returned to the Registered Manager. Patients and carers wishing to raise informal complaints can speak directly to Amanda Prince at AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED.
Duties & Responsibilities
The Clinical Director: Amanda Prince
To note reports about the operation of the complaints procedure and the effect on service improvement.
To ensure that emerging themes are investigated and acted upon, and that themes that are consistent with those raised elsewhere (e.g. serious incidents) are identified and acted upon.
To ensure that the complaints procedure features in patient satisfaction surveys and/or is subject to a separate survey.
Registered Manager: Amanda prince
The responsibilities of this role are as follows:
Receive and manage all formal complaints in accordance with this policy and procedure and within timescales set out in this policy.
Manage the complaints handling process within AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED.
Awareness that any actual or potential issues arising from complaints that could put AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED at risk, including potential legal claims.
Ensure that information about the complaints procedure is available to patients and anyone else who requests it.
Draft responses to complaints to ensure they meet the standards expected.
Is responsible for review of all complaints to ensure that lessons are learnt as appropriate.
Aim of Local resolution
The main objective of local resolution is to ensure that complaints are dealt with promptly and satisfactorily by ensuring that AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED:
Investigates each complaint thoroughly.
Identifies any lessons to be learnt.
Ensures that appropriate remedial actions are taken.
Communicates effectively with the complainant and resolves the matter to the satisfaction of the complainant.
Verbal Complaints
Wherever possible complaints and concerns should be dealt with at the time they arise by Amanda Prince, the Registered Manager.
Formal Complaints
People wishing to make formal complaints should be advised to put their concerns in writing and address them to the Registered Manger.
Time Limit for Making a Formal Complaint
A complaint should be made within twelve months of the time the event(s).
Who May Complain
A complaint may be made by a patient, a person acting on behalf of a patient, or anyone who has been affected by any action/omission/decision of AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED. Where a complainant is acting on behalf of a patient, written consent must be obtained from the patient before a response can be sent. Where the patient is a child without capacity, a complaint may be made by the parent or guardian. Where the patient has died, the complaint may be made by the named next of kin or by a person nominated by the named next of kin. In other circumstances where the complainant may have difficulty complaining on their own behalf or have other requirements e.g people with mental health difficulties, the Director will review each situation in light of current legal requirements and good practice guidance from the Department of Health and offer help and support to a complainant as appropriate.
Handling a Complaint
On receipt of a formal complaint the Registered Manager will:
Acknowledge a written complaint within three working days of receipt, enclose complaints leaflet, or give a brief indication of the process and the anticipated time for response.
Upon receipt of the advice from the department, send a letter to the complainant on behalf of the AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED with either an offer of a meeting or telephone conversation with relevant staff, or confirmation that a formal investigation is underway (again indicating anticipated time for response).
Record the details of the complaint onto the AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITEDs complaints register.
Monitor the agreed time scale for response to a complaint.
Send approved final response to complainant within agreed set timescale. If the final response will be delayed inform complainant in writing.
Be responsible for maintaining secure and accurate records of each complaint.
Monitor complaints which are reopened to identify whether the initial investigation and response was appropriate or whether new issues have been raised.
Action Plans
Where the investigation of a complaint identifies the need to make changes in practice and systems, it is important that all remedial measures are clearly documented, acted upon and monitored. The Registered Manager will be responsible for agreeing any procedural changes and the development of action plans. These should be developed after the completion of the investigation into the complaint.
When a complaint involves care provided by several organisations, the Registered Manager will liaise with those organisations to identify the most appropriate handling process for the investigation and who will lead on co-ordinating the complaint.
Details of Complaints which Warrant Professional Disciplinary or Criminal Investigation
Complaints such as professional misconduct, poor performance, theft, assault, wilful negligence or abuse will be passed to Amanda Prince, Director & Registered Manager.
Complaints Involving Other Organisations
Where a complaint is received which involves a local healthcare partner, wherever possible a joint investigation should be carried out with the permission of the complainant. The Registered Manager dealing with the complaint should contact the partner organisation when the complaint is received. Agreement should be reached on who will prepare the joint response and the complainant advised accordingly.
Complaints Received Via the Media
AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED will not enter into correspondence with complainants via the media. People who get in touch with the local press to complain about the care they or their relatives have received should be advised to contact the complaints department if they wish to pursue a formal complaint against the AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED.
The Registered Manager will work with the communications department to prepare statements on specific issues where this is considered to be appropriate.
What Cannot Be Investigated as a Formal Complaint
The formal complaints process will be suspended if:
The complainant expresses an intention to pursue a legal claim against AMCGRATHHEALTH LIMITED.
In this circumstance, the complainant will be notified in writing that the complaints procedure has been suspended and that the matter is being dealt with in accordance with medico-legal. There will be ongoing liaison with the complainant where appropriate.